Who is the Congressman Representing Bexar County, Texas?

Congressman Joaquin Castro is the representative for Bexar County, Texas. He is a tireless advocate for those who call San Antonio home, and is committed to helping create an infrastructure of opportunity.

Who is the Congressman Representing Bexar County, Texas?

Congressman Joaquin Castro is the representative for Bexar County, Texas. He is a passionate advocate for those who call San Antonio home, and is devoted to helping build an infrastructure of opportunity for San Antonians and Americans across the country. The Castro family's journey in the United States began more than a century ago when their grandmother, Victoria Castro, arrived in Texas as a young orphan. She worked hard to give her daughter and grandchildren a better chance at life, and this spirit of the American dream has been passed down to Congressman Castro.

He is determined to construct what he calls the Infrastructure of Opportunity so that future generations have an equal opportunity to pursue their American dream. The Infrastructure of Opportunity includes excellent public schools and universities, a robust health care system, and well-paying jobs. This infrastructure is what sets the United States apart from other nations. Congressman Castro is pushing the Biden administration on Temporary Protected Status (TPS) and broader immigration aid for the Caribbean.

To find out who represents you in Congress, use the Who Represents Me? section District search engine. For information on obtaining a marriage license in Bexar County, contact the Bexar County Clerk's Office at (2) 335-2221 or visit their webpage for more information.

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