Who is the State Representative for Bexar County, Texas?

Find out who represents you in the Texas House of Representatives by using the Who Represents Me? section of the Electoral district search engine. Additionally, if you need more information on how to obtain a marriage license in Bexar County contact the County Cler

Who is the State Representative for Bexar County, Texas?

Are you looking for the state representative for Bexar County, Texas? You can easily find out who represents you in the Texas House of Representatives by using the Who Represents Me? section of the Electoral district search engine. This search engine will provide you with the districts 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, and 125. It is important to note that marriage licenses are issued by the County Clerk's Office and not by the state representative. The state representative is responsible for representing their constituents in the Texas House of Representatives. If you are looking for information on who your state representative is for Bexar County, Texas, you can use the Who Represents Me? section of the Electoral district search engine.

This search engine will provide you with the districts 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, and 125. In addition to finding out who your state representative is for Bexar County, you may also need more information on how to obtain a marriage license in Bexar County. In this case, you can contact the County Clerk's Office at (2) 335-2221 or visit their website. The County Clerk's Office is located at 100 Dolorosa, Suite 104, San Antonio, Texas 78205 and is headed by Lucy Adame-Clark. Finding out who your state representative is for Bexar County is easy and straightforward.

All you need to do is use the Who Represents Me? section of the Electoral district search engine to find out which districts are represented by your state representative. Additionally, if you need more information on how to obtain a marriage license in Bexar County, you can contact the County Clerk's Office at (2) 335-2221 or visit their website.

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